Forum Discussion

GoTo_Chris's avatar
GoTo Contributor
9 months ago

CISO Roundtable Webinar: Continuing the Conversation

Hi everyone,


Thank you to those of you who attended our recent webinar CISO Roundtable: Real-world Cyber Security Strategies That Work . If you didn’t get a chance to attend, I encourage you to watch the recording here.   Different points hit on included why some security leaders don't buy into "zero trust" as a term, tactics for streamlining recovery time from weeks to under 24 hours, and insights on the right fit (and wrong fit) when it comes to AI.


Let's continue the great discussion we heard between our 3 security leaders and learn from each other. An area I'm always intrigued by is the idea of working smarter, not harder. The panel discussed some ways automation and AI can help push forward security posture and make your team more productive. I'd love to hear from you about ways you have or plan to inject more automation and/or AI into your security strategies.


Feel free to also share any other strategies or tips you'd like to share with your fellow security peers.

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