Forum Discussion
Hello pbugiani!
Thank you for the feedback. There are some requirements of the Connect on LAN feature. Please read our manual on page 30-31.
Some of the windows updates set back to default of these settings. Usually the remote registry service is stopped or disabled after a recently windows update. It should be started manually or automatically.
I hope it will help you!
- pbugiani7 years agoNew Contributor
Hi Sandor
verified all the Technical Information for Advanced Users (manual 30-31): everything seems to be correct.
My problem seems to be only for the EUROPEAN remote pc (domain SHOP) cause in the remote pc in USA/CANADA (domain SHOP too) I am able to insert admin&password and login into the pc. For the EUROPEAN I am able to insert admin&password but it refuses it (even if correct) with error 1722.
My network dept. confirms me there are no drops on Firewall, so if all the Tech Information for Advanced Users are correct as I checked, I guess the problem is on the remote client itself.
Any suggestion to verify?
- sv57 years agoGoTo Contributor
Hello pbugiani!
Thank you for the clarification. I have a last idea, could you try it with our Beta Technician Console please?
You should just login our beta site to be able to download the newest TC or you can wait until this Thursday when we are updating the next TC versions on Live in the download section.
Sandor- pbugiani7 years agoNew Contributor
Hi Sandor
tested the Logmein Tech Console Beta (v.7.12.3315) but the problem remains the same.
Is there any way to get a more detailed errog log when the login fails?
I mean...the log I get from the tech console is not so there a way to run the connection in a debug mode? Cause, as I said before, I am able to connect to a different PC (USA) in the same domain without problem (the problem is on EUROPEAN pc on the same US domain) so with a more detailed log maybe i could be able to get the difference between these 2 remote pc.
- pbugiani7 years agoNew Contributor
Hi Sandor
for the moment I checked only for the Remote Service (started or not).
On our PC the default is 'not enabled' but even if i start it on a remote PC to test, the problem remains the same.
I am going on reading manual LAN Conn pa. 30-31 as you suggested and let you know asap