Windows Defender Firewall issue
Remote users are getting a Windows Defender Firewall prompt about the Rescue applet when I start a connection. Hoping you can guide me to a fix.
Here are the details...
Users have an AD-joined local account with no admin permissions. They download and run the applet with the 6 digit pin as normal. I'm putting in the local admin password at the Rescue connect screen and elevating the session.
When that connects, the user gets this pop-up,
The path is c:\users\[username]\appdata\local\logmein rescue applet\lmir0f138001.tmp\lmi_rescue_srv.exe So it's actually a different temp folder path for the applet every time.
I want to allow both public and private networks - they're working remote and I have no idea what type of connection they are on.
I can actually get connected to their screen, but the pop-up is generating questions from the users, and if they hit Allow it goes to their local machine's UAC which I can't see and it disrupts my connecting.
So question 1 is what are the firewall rules I want to create?
Question 2 is do you have any advice on deploying such rules through InTune in this case where the applet folder is particular to the user? I've had troubles in the past establishing those types of rules because InTune only wants to manage rules for known paths like Program Files and doesn't seem to have a way to vary the path with a local user account. %appdata% resolves to the InTune admin user, not each local user. (If this part is outside this scope I'll take it to a Windows InTune forum once I know the details of the rule I want.)
OK, so then the firewalls I create in Endpoint should have distinct names, in case I deploy different CC builds to the same machine.
And that probably should be distinct profiles, too, with all the rules for one CC instance per policy, not combining all the firewall variants in one big profile.
So that's the setup, to sum up for other users:
1, Create the CC, wrap it in an intunewin package, configure its deployment.
2, Create a configuration profile for Endpoint Protection that sets a firewall rule for the particular CC install location.
3, attach both to the user group that gets this CC.
All done, nice and easy.