jmeyer's avatar
Active Contributor
3 years ago

The ability to forward sent text messages

We are requesting a feature update by GoTo developers to be able to forward texts sent for compliance purposes.


  • This would be a great enhancement to include. It could just show the user that the options are there but inform them that they do not have permission managing forward text to email settings. Contact the admin to update their preferences. At the very least, allow the admin to change these the properties at the admin level so they don't have to walk each user through these steps and then verify that they have turned it on.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    6 months ago

    djoertel  admins or super admins have access to enable the feature on the PBX.  Once this is enabled, then users can configure this on their app. There is not a way to lock this for individuals without removing the feature. 


    However, if you have Contact Center or Customer Engagement, you can create a sms dial plan node for users to have no control. 

  • Can these settings be applied at the admin level and locked so that users are unable to turn it off?

  • Has this feature been enabled? We too would like all text messaging to be forwardable to email, both incoming and outgoing.  This would make compliance for any SEC related company much easier. 

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago
    Status changed:
    Needs Info
    Reviewed by moderator
  • I have a client that uses mobile almost exclusively. He wants to have his multiple business numbers fwd SMS to a single 'main' business number that he is using on his mobile. We have also had other clients request ability to forward SMS from a business line to their cell phones, in these cases the phone number is forwarded to an outside call center - and the client wants SMS notifications sent to them to follow up later with. (i.e. Call is immediate response, SMS is next day)

  • jmeyer's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 years ago

    Good morning.  Currently, we receive emails sent to our company inbox for all text messages received.  We keep these for compliance purposes.  We do not receive any email for text messages sent out from our associates to clients.  We would like to have this function for compliance reasons.  Below is a copy & paste of the message we receive when we receive a text:


    noreply@sms.goto.comYou received a new text message from (client) - (phone number)Tue 4:26 PM78 KB

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago
    Status changed:
    Needs Info

    Please provide some more details about you see this feature working and its use.