mkeaton's avatar
Frequent Contributor
4 months ago
Reviewed by moderator

Schedule "Temporary message" for Voicemail Boxes

Hello! As its the holiday and I find myself unable to set a custom temporary VM recording to the mailboxes needing it. I have to be on the website to perform this on the day(s) its needed, and then replace it with the original msg when we return to the office. It would be better to let us schedule a temporary msg, as its just that, temporary. This would be great not only for holidays but for all users that are out of the office for any short amount of time. Holidays are slightly different since users wont be in the office to set the temporary VM recording (or remove it), which is why I am requesting this to be considered. 

It could  be part of the "Schedule" since there is a section to mark days as a holiday, in that same set up, they could add a msg for those days that correspond with the days marks as holiday on the schedule


Adding this to the holiday details window: 


2 yrs ago another user also requested this, kinda.. but it seems that it went no where. So looking to bring this up again. 

1 Comment

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    4 months ago
    Status changed:
    Reviewed by moderator

    Hi mkeaton! Nice to see you. I'm sharing this with the team. Hope you have a good holiday!