Would GoTo ever consider removing the 50 minutes per month for low usage user and making it unlimited minutes? Or create a separate line item for “Low User unlimited” for $12.95 for something like that. It is a little cumbersome to explain to customers and users and even though it is super cheap per minute some potential customers don’t like the idea of an overage charge.
It would simplify things to not have to explain pooled minutes and how it works.
Also, this low usage user would be able to have different extension line keys programmed on it.
Sometimes companies want a general mail box that multiple people have access too but I cant program it as a shared mailbox because they also have their own personal mailbox's as well.
What I will do is create a virtual ext just for the mailbox and then I have to program the line key on their phone in order for the VM light notification so they can see there is a new message.
Right now, I think GoTo limits the number of line key extensions for low usage users to 1.
Just an idea.
Thank you,
Michael Adams