Manage Inactive Unattended Devices

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Manage Inactive Unattended Devices

Manage Inactive Unattended Devices

I am not seeing a way to see a list of all the unattended devices that have been inactive for a certain period of time.  This is a must with a corporate environment where computers are constantly being decommisioned and replaced.

New Contributor
Well they havn't answered your question and it is similar to mine. Guess it wont be answered either!
GoTo Manager

Hi @derek_m@CSturgeon101


We currently do not have a feature for this.

  • You can sign into your Remote Support account on the website and select to view All Unattended computers, from there you can see their Status and if they have an IP address listed. Any that are Offline and without an IP address are most likely no longer active and can be deleted.
  • You could run a report to see which computers have had Unattended Support sessions recently, and then delete the rest from your list.


Active Contributor

@GlennD This is not very intuitive.  If this is to be done by reports, there should be a report that you can run on devices that haven't been online for x number of days.  However there is no such report currently.

Active Contributor
Also to add to this, it would be nice to be able to filter devices when on the devices page. Ie. only show devices offline, or devices offline for so many days.
GoTo Manager
Status changed to: Investigating
New Member

Is there any update on this? 2 years later theres still no option on how to filter for offline/unattended devices with an offline threshold. Nor is there a way to mass remove offline devices, removing a device one by one will take years to complete. this tool is the worst i've used in a while.