ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsCC Closed Captions on Cloud Recordings We record webinars to the cloud. Our video library shows the recordings listed with a CC icon. If you hover on the icon it says "Closed Captions available." But when the recording is viewed online through the access link, it only shows the time-coded transcript below the player. Is there a way to see true closed captions on the video that display in sync with the playback? Re: Don't delete survey because of a single character! This is the same error handling that I submitted 2 years ago in relation to polls: Poll answer text error is confounding and frustrating | GoTo Community Don't delete survey because of a single character! I just lost half an hour of detailed work because of your lousy software design and I'm furious. I added many survey questions and upon saving the survey, it briefly flashed the old message about "Don't use a < > or other special character in a question." At that point it threw away the entire survey, forcing me to start again from scratch. To add insult to injury, the error message is temporary and disappears, so I can't even see which particular characters are not allowed. Do you have the slightest respect for your users' time? Re: Problems with bulk upload of registrants Adding to this thread for similar problems I had. This feature needs product enhancement, better documentation, and better training of support personnel. I did a large file upload for event registrants (like the original poster). It displayed the banner saying that the file was accepted and that an email would be sent when complete. Then nothing. No registrants added, no email, no indication of how long to wait before deciding something went wrong. I contacted support and spoke to a rep on the phone. Then I went back and did more explicit tests. Here are the results and indications of problem areas: 1) If something goes wrong with the upload, there is no indication to the admin. An email should be sent stating that the upload failed (ideally with the first bad record indicated to help troubleshoot the problem). 2) The support page for this topic ( says you can't have single initials in the First Name or Last Name fields. On testing, these worked fine. 3) My support person stated explicitly, and repeated when asked to confirm, that ONLY the 26 characters of the English alphabet are permitted. No spaces, no hyphens, no periods. On testing, all of these worked fine and were accepted. Give support a better list of permitted/forbidden characters. 4) What fails (and this is properly documented, so it's not a bug) are non-English characters such as accented vowels, Spanish n with a tilde, etc. This is an area that should be enhanced in future product releases, as American English names are not the only ones attending webinars. If the name fields on a registration page can accept the characters when typed in, they should also work for bulk upload. Re: Poll answer text error is confounding and frustrating After more trial and error, I now see that I was interpreting the error message incorrectly. It is poorly written. For clarity, it should say "Answer text may not include a backslash next to a number or the characters <, >, &, #." The rest of my complaints stand. It's a restriction that is seriously inferior to polling in other conferencing products. Poll answer text error is confounding and frustrating I am entering poll questions for doctors, who need to follow rigid and exact diagnostic nomenclature. I cannot paraphrase in order to satisfy software limitations. GoToWebinar will not let me set up the correct answer option. The answer text that needs to be an option choice is: KRAS c.34C>A p.Gly12Cys & KRAS c.35C>T, p.Gly12Asp The scenario demonstrates four separate issues that should be fixed in the product: 1) The error message is displayed for exactly 3 seconds and then disappears. This is a long and complex error to comprehend and I had to recreate the problem several times just to try and parse the message: "Enter answer text that doesn't include <, >, &, # or a backslash next to a number." 2) The poll as entered simply disappears. You can't go back to check it and edit the problem. You have to recreate the question and all answer choices from scratch. 3) If you go back and look at the answer choice I am entering, it does not have any of those special characters next to a number. So I don't even know what to alter! The error is not telling me the actual problem. I tried inserting spaces on either side of all brackets and ampersands, but that didn't fix it. Every special character has a letter on both sides of it. 4) This restriction is ridiculous on the face of it. It's 2022... let's accept text strings as entered by the user. I'm immensely frustrated, as I'm just randomly trying different things to see what the problem is, and then it still won't be acceptable, since the answer choice needs to be exactly as written. Re: Closing control panel panes on Mac Sure, Glenn. I moderate many webinars for different clients. They often bring in multiple guest presenters and staff working behind the scenes to prioritize questions, etc. I try to minimize cognitive and visual load on them so they can concentrate on necessary tasks without having to think about repeated manipulation of interface controls. I can say "Get rid of the Dashboard pane, you don't need it. Get rid of the Polls pane, I'll take care of that. Get rid of the Handouts pane, we're not using it." Half the people I'm talking to follow along and close those panes. Then somebody says, "I don't understand what you mean... There's no X on the right of the gray bar like you said." "Oh, that's all right... Just click on the View command at the top of the control panel and you can uncheck those panes." "I still don't understand. There is no View command at the top of the control panel." So now I'm trying to explain one method of customizing and controlling the interface to part of my group and another way of doing things for the others. It adds time and confusion. There is a qualitative difference in interface complexity between collapsing and expanding panes vs removing unused controls from the display completely. And it's simply more logical to have a single interface for the product that works the same way for all users. I think it would be a useful enhancement. If your design engineers thought it was a good idea for Windows users to be able to remove control panes, that functionality should be equally valuable to Mac users. Thanks, --Ken Re: Closing control panel panes on Mac So, no. (Not making fun of you, Glenn... I appreciate the extra definition to help explain the Mac interface). But this is a serious design problem. It makes it very difficult to explain to guest presenters how to manipulate their control panel when the interface is significantly different based on the operating system. Collapsing panes is not equivalent to closing them - especially on laptop screens where vertical space is at a premium. I'd certainly like to request adding the functionality as a future product enhancement. Thanks. Closing control panel panes on Mac I'm a Windows user, so no ability to test Mac functionality myself. Is it true that there is no way for Mac panelists/organizers to close unwanted control panel panes as they can on Windows? There seems to be no X option in the gray section titles and no View command to select/deselect panes. Is there another method that Mac users have available? Request - Edit copied webinar before copying staff In the current workflow, you copy an existing webinar and get a screen asking if you want to copy existing staff (organizers/panelists). If you select their names, they immediately get their invitation emails. THEN you proceed to the webinar edit page where you can change the description and email customization. This means the copied staff receive emails referencing the older (source) webinar. Please let us update webinar description and email settings before copying staff members. Or delay invitation sends for copied staff until everything is edited and you are ready for the new emails to go out.