Alerts - New Software - More granular filters
We would like the ability to use a filter to include/exclude keywords when creating new software alerts. For example, we do not want to have alerts for Microsoft product installation/updates. So we would like to exclude alerts for any product that contains the word "Microsoft"14Views2likes0CommentsAbility to see who is connected to remote devices while the session is still active
Currently you have to wait until a session has ended before the session shows up in reports. It would be very helpful to be able to see who is connected to a remote device while the session is still in progress. We are a large support center and there are times we need to know who is currently connected to a customer and the ability to see the connections real time would be a great improvement217Views1like2CommentsExport GoTo Resolve Device List
The dashboard is populated by some GraphQL calls, and even the CSV export, but there is no programmatic way to export my device list? Is there no way to get a list of my registered PRO devices? Logging in to the interface is not a sustainable way to get the list.201Views0likes0CommentsAdd custom fields to Tickets and include them in reporting
¡Hola! Me gustaría tomaran en cuenta estas peticiones que son muy importantes para los agentes que utilizamos GoTo Resolve. Me gustaría que en el servicio de tickets yo tenga la facilidad de crear campos personalizados y que el usuario final lo pueda visualizar y pueda editar ese campo o escoger la ‘’opción” de ese campo creado. Actualmente solamente yo como agente puedo ver esos campos, pero el usuario final no lo puede ver al momento de crear un ticket. Además, ya creados esos campos personalizados me serviría de mucha ayuda que en el apartado de los “informes” donde yo requiero sacar distintas métricas igualmente me brinde información sobre esos campos creados, como por ejemplo en la imagen que coloque arriba, yo cree un campo llamado “tipo de equipo” donde el usuario pueda escoger el tipo de equipo que está reportando y yo a la hora de exportar el Excel con las métricas me brinde la información de cada ticket y que tipo de equipo fue el que el usuario escogió. También, seria importante saber cuál es la cantidad de tickets, abiertos o cerrados, que la plataforma tenga un espacio que tenga un contador donde te diga cuantos tickets tienes abiertos. Actualmente si necesito esa cifra tengo que contar manualmente para saber cuántos tickets tengo. Y una ultima sugerencia. En una sesión remota a un equipo no se pueden conectar dos agentes al mismo tiempo, al momento de que el segundo agente quiere conectarse automáticamente saca de la sesión al primer agente que estaba adentro. Seria útil que mas de dos agentes se puedan conectar simultáneamente a una sesión remota. Gracias!!656Views2likes2CommentsGTR Reporting
Hello, I would like to see better reporting functions with GTR. For SOX audits I need to utilize the HD reports to pull specific reports based on HD Tech, Category, Requestor, etc. with some ability to adjust output information. No matter how you format (Group by) on the screen the output report is still the same. These reports would be very helpful and can serve other purposes. Currently the report is very generic and does not provide the needed data on my tickets. Also need to allow for longer date range than 30 days. Thanks590Views2likes1CommentAdd computer to ticket
Have the option to start a ticket from the managed pc's and/or add pc to the ticket in progress. This would make it easier to know which pc your working on and be able to sort in reports to see if pc's a trouble and need to be replaced because of the ticket volumn.915Views7likes2CommentsInclude Groups in the reports
We utilise the reporting to generate billing to some of our support customers., and to analyse the amount of time spent supporting certain customers. Using GTA the reports included the Group name, but this seems to be missing from the GTR reports. Can this be added in please as sometimes it is virtually impossible to determine who the customer is when all you have for the End-user name is something like 'Paul'?790Views2likes1Comment