Forum Discussion

digicloud's avatar
6 years ago

LogMeIn Client.exe Failed to start client application. Access is denied.

Hi all, having a issue that started happening around 2 months ago.


Getting the following error: LogMeIn Client.exe Failed to start client application. Access is denied. when trying to run the logmein client.


Here is a screenshot of the error: 


Here is my work flow:

1. Logmein central in latest version of Chrome.

2. Clicked on a device, and it initiated the LogMeIn Client.exe download. 

3. Once downloaded I opened it and the following error appeared:

"LogMeIn Client.exe Failed to start client application. Access is denied."



Windows 10 Pro, 1803.

Chrome Version 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Avast Cloud Care antivirus.


Some windows logs:

at the time of the error:


svchost (5612,D,22) SRUJet: A request for a node on an empty page (Pgno: 8180) has been made (error -351) for a B-Tree (ObjectId: 38, PgnoRoot: 176) of database C:\WINDOWS\system32\SRU\SRUDB.dat. This is typically due to a lost I/O from storage hardware. Please check with your hardware vendor for latest firmware revisions, make changes to your controller's caching parameters, use crash consistent hardware with Forced Unit Access support, and/or replace faulty hardware.


But I dont believe it has anything to do with this.


I have tried first level support in Logmein phone support and they were not able to help. For no level 2 technicians are avaliable during Australian business hours. 


Hope to hear from someone soon.




5 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    Yes, I expect a follow up, but do know that AUS hours are ending soonish.  If necessary we will schedule an appointment for Monday/Tuesday of the following week.

  • digicloud's avatar
    6 years ago

    hi thanks for your help again, also to add we added an exception in avast cloud care see the following screenshot:



    When you say you will have someone reach out, the ticket numebr with logmein was: 


    Do you think someone from logmein level 2 / 3 technical support will call me during Australian business hours GMT+10?

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    ** Avast could still be active in the background even when disabled, acting on prior decisions alone.


    If you've already tested a brand new Admin User on the affected PC, I'll have someone follow up with you as soon as possible.

  • digicloud's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hi thanks for the quick reply. When I did call the logmein level 1 support, we did a remote session, we disabled avast temp and same thing. We also tried running as administrator, same thing. We have even attempted to install the logmein windows desktop client which didnt install correctly also, even with avast cloud care disabled. Any further thoughts? And thanks for your help.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    Hi digicloud ,

    Apologies for the repeated error there, and I'll check on your case for the purposes of escalation.


    Since the problem began have you tried installing the application with Avast completely disabled or removed?

    Have you also tried running the file specifically as Administrator from the saved folder?