Forum Discussion

jsips's avatar
New Member
12 years ago

Is there a way to send a daily report to users with overdue incidents assigned to them?

I am trying to improve the service levels of my team, and in some other tools I have seen the ability to send a daily report to each user with a list of overdue tickets assigned to them. Is this possible?

4 Replies

  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    12 years ago
    Lynn, Jeff,

    Great suggestion - this was one of the considerations we thought about when we originally built our dashboard queues, but we decided not to build it in originally. We've added +2 against this feature request internally.

    What I recommend people do as a workaround is create a Message with URLs to Dashboard Queues users might be interested in.

  • I agree with jsips. As the manager, I would like to assign who gets the reports and not depend on each individual creating thier own emails schedule
  • So I like this option, but would LOVE the ability to just force it to send to everyone with >1 incident. That way, I don't have to ask each person to set it up (which becomes difficult as people join/leave the org). Is that part possible?
  • Yes this can be done.

    If you go to Incidents > Reports and Queues, and create a shared report that shows incidents that are:
    * open
    * overdue
    * assigned to "logged on user"

    then you can get each user to go an create an email schedule to be sent daily at a specific time...

    I've attached a couple of screenshots which might help.

