Forum Discussion

Josh Pillow's avatar
Josh Pillow
Active Contributor
4 years ago

Users Being Disconnected From GoToMyPC After About 1 Minute



Everyone in our enviornment currently using GoToMyPC can connect remotely, but after about a minute or so they're kicked out and the session is ended. 

This is not a global setting we've changed in the GoTo Corporate web console or a recent firewall change on our end.  The client computers don't have any settings for disconnecting after a minute or so either.  This started yesterday evening.  

We've tried uninstalling GTMPC on computers, turning off the Windows 10 Firewall, and every other basic item related to GoToMyPC.

Please advise.

  • GoTo Support today said the latest release should fix this.  Maybe go in and force a client update on the host machines?  That worked for me in our environment.  

14 Replies