Forum Discussion

DavidHouser's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

GoToResolve File Transfer 'hangs', has 0KB size on customer server


Ocassionaly, on a live session with a customer, a file transfer will 'hang' after being accepted by the customer, and will never download. The file appears on the customer's machine with a size of 0KB and cannot be used for anything. We're able to use the File Manager on Unattended Devices with no issues. This happens on both the Web and Desktop apps. Any ideas why this might be happening?


5 Replies

  • GoTo_Robi's avatar
    GoTo Contributor
    2 years ago


    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    We are replacing the engine under the file send/receive to become reliable.

    We are working on it an I expect to complete in a few weeks.



  • JodiAliceRecep's avatar
    Active Contributor
    2 years ago

    It's become a fully unusable tool for me--I only use the file manager functionality now, because they never transfer correctly.

  • SyntecRyan's avatar
    Active Contributor
    2 years ago

    No idea, but it happens for us all the time as well. We are all on Windows 10 or newer, and nearly all of our clients are as well.