Forum Discussion

pungwe's avatar
12 years ago

Change user password as Administrator

I have Logmein Central with a couple of  users


One of the users is currently away from his location and cannot remotely acces his email and has forgotton his LogMeIn password he is an infrequent user. Is there a way for me as the administrator to change his LogMeIn password so he can sign in.



  • Anon39729's avatar
    New Contributor

    i see no answers here... did you come right ?  as the account main user you used to have control of all sorts of options for the users, including cahning passwords..... all gone now... it seems I am only able to select what machines users have access to...... no other mainenance at all.  will have to try deleting a user and re inviting.....


    wish i had the time to look for alternative to logmein, seems they just want to drive users away.



  • demisjohn's avatar
    New Contributor
    Looks to me like you can't enable LMI without having email access.
    So your best option is probably for you to make a new User, and share that login info with your employee over the phone.

    If you CAN use email, then I believe you have to use this link:

    (found on this LMI FAQ: )

    Kinda strange that I guess I can type in anyone's email address and get their password reset, not just my own.
    • Adrian_Forte's avatar
      Active Contributor

      9 years later. NINE! And they still haven't been able to put in a function to let an admin reset a user password. Literally one of the most basic functions of any user admin system, and in nine years LMI could not be bothered to amend this issue. I would say I was surprised, but with LMI, no shortcoming of the software surprises me. 

      • AK_Andy's avatar
        New Contributor

        Make it ten. And what's more: my user contacted LMI support for help with this (the reset email isn't being delivered) and they told her to have her administrator reset her password. 


        *pulls hair out*