Forum Discussion

jason1111's avatar
Active Contributor
10 years ago

Date Driven Trigger Not Working

Hi Looking for some assistance here.

I have set up an incident trigger which isn't working. The idea is simple. The incident starts with a due date of 30 days. Once the due date is within 15 days, I want the category on that incident to change.

Unfortunately I cannot get this to work. Am I doing something wrong or is this simply a bug?

Any help would be appreciated. Below is the trigger variables I have set.

  • jason1111's avatar
    Active Contributor
    Yeah Jan, but we use category changes so we can see at a glance the action that has been last carried out.  What jemmyw has come up with is ideal but since we can no longer manually change the category, it's kind of useless.

    I suspect the fact we cannot change the category is a bug though so I'd like some help on that.  Thanks for your input though.
  • Did you look at using the Priorities & SLA's instead of a trigger or action to change the status.  The SLA will send an email to the designated people when the criteria is meet. It doesn't change the status, but the reminder does go out.
  • jason1111's avatar
    Active Contributor
    Ok I have set this up and it work BUT, it seems to have caused a new problem.

    To test I set the action to run at 15:00. It ran and changed the category.

    Now, I cannot change the category manually.  

    Example, the trigger set it -15 Days Send Reminder.

    When I try to change the category to 15 Day Reminder Sent, when I hit save, it stays as the same.

    I've tried logging out / in, logging in via incognito etc but nothing seems to resolve this issue.  Any ideas?
  • jason1111's avatar
    Active Contributor
    Ok great, that looks like it might do the trick. I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
  • jemmyw's avatar
    Active Contributor
    Triggers only apply when you actually save a record, so they're not really suitable for this sort of time based manipulation.

    There is another feature which will do this. If you create a report from Incidents -> Reports & Queues that selects the incidents in the time range you want, save the report, and then go to "Schedule & Queue" you can set up an action schedule:

  • Wonder if you could use the Priorities & SLA on the Sevice to escalate it instead of a trigger?