Forum Discussion

Wgoods1's avatar
Active Contributor
3 years ago

No Audio/Extremely distorted/slow audio in recordings.

I have a user who cannot record meetings successfully. When we both record the same meeting ( <5min test meeting) my recording comes out as expected but his comes out with either no audio or extremely slow/distorted audio. I have tried taking his g2m files and converting them on my laptop with the same results. Is there anything we can do to recover the audio from his recordings? I have already tried to convert his original g2m files as well as just change them to a  *.wmv, the issue persists either way which makes me think it is corrupted while recording, not converting.


I had him uninstall and reinstall the application, but still no luck.


Thank you,



  • We did more testing with different scenarios (on LAN as well as VPN and hotspot) and so far the issue has only appeared when the user is on their home network, so it seems to be something there that is causing this issue.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Hi William,

    My first troubleshooting suggestion would be to have the affected PC check with the manufacturer web page to ensure the audio drivers are up to date.  


    Secondly, can you tell us if the user is connected via telephone or mic/speakers? 


    • Wgoods1's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Hey Ash,


      Yes we have checked drivers and there have been multiple updates to both the client and OS since this started, this is actually an issue we discovered on a recording from a couple months ago, and it is still present when we tested last week.

      They were connected to the meeting via phone.


      Thank you,



      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        Is this user on a local area network connect, or are they behind a VPN of some kind?  Can you elaborate on the internet connection there?