Forum Discussion

Josh Pillow's avatar
Josh Pillow
Active Contributor
3 years ago

Users Being Disconnected From GoToMyPC After About 1 Minute



Everyone in our enviornment currently using GoToMyPC can connect remotely, but after about a minute or so they're kicked out and the session is ended. 

This is not a global setting we've changed in the GoTo Corporate web console or a recent firewall change on our end.  The client computers don't have any settings for disconnecting after a minute or so either.  This started yesterday evening.  

We've tried uninstalling GTMPC on computers, turning off the Windows 10 Firewall, and every other basic item related to GoToMyPC.

Please advise.

  • GoTo Support today said the latest release should fix this.  Maybe go in and force a client update on the host machines?  That worked for me in our environment.  

  • MatthewF47's avatar
    Active Contributor

    We have had this issue today, seems to have been caused by an update to the GoToMyPC client version 12.1.3438. The only fix was to contact GoToMyPC support and have them push the previous version of the software to the affected PC's. I imagine a proper fix is being worked on for rollout soon. 

    • Josh Pillow's avatar
      Josh Pillow
      Active Contributor

      I was just logging back in after spending some time on the phone with support.


      We had the same thing happen here.  They had to push out a backdated client and then people could connect again.

      Thank you for responding.

    • CaseyS's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks, that seemed to have been the fix for us, too.

      • Josh Pillow's avatar
        Josh Pillow
        Active Contributor

        The problem is back again for us today.  And the support line isn't working.  Won't take the ticket number or a simple # through to reach someone.

  • Josh Pillow's avatar
    Josh Pillow
    Active Contributor
    Also - On the remote computer is shows the user is still connected, but they've been disconnected from the session.
  • PSUNTLion's avatar
    New Contributor

    It's been 3 weeks and LogMeIn still hasn't come out with an actual fix for this issue!  Our help desk has had to spend considerable time uninstalling and falling back to the previous version for most of our 60+ users.  Why wouldn't GTMPC just release an actual new update that fixes the problem with an update without having to uninstall and fall back?! 

    • Josh Pillow's avatar
      Josh Pillow
      Active Contributor
      It was working after my first post saying the update fixed it. It looks like it's back though as I've had 2 users report they can't connect again and are getting kicked out after connecting.
      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        Josh Pillow  PSUNTLion  We have disabled the Optimizer for your account.  Please test again and let us know if the problems persist.