Forum Discussion

Leigh Strinsky's avatar
Leigh Strinsky
4 years ago

Add to Google Calendar Glitch

I've just been made aware of an error that is being presented when trying to add an event to a Google Calendar.  We've tested on three separate computers and registrants with the same result each time.


Any wisdom would be appreciated.


Here is the error message:


"429. Plan Exceeded.

We're sorry but the request can not be processed.

The referring website using the "Add to Calendar" service is related to a free Hobby account which has exceeded its monthly limits.

If this is your website, please click here."

  • Leigh Strinsky  This issue should be fully resolved now.  


    Please let us know if you experience any more errors. 

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Leigh Strinsky  I apologize for the difficulty adding to Google Calendar.  We are aware of this problem and will be addressing the issue soon.  We'll update the Community as new info becomes available.  

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      Leigh Strinsky  This issue should be fully resolved now.  


      Please let us know if you experience any more errors. 

      • legalv's avatar
        New Contributor

        Hi there,


        We're experiencing the same issue as mentioned at the top of this thread.


        Is this the same issue occurring again?

