Can I "automatically download chat messages" to my email rather than my desktop?
I do not host or attend the webinars myself, I manage some of the data for the webinars my organization presents. Our webinars are hosted by a number of people in my organization and I would like to have access to the chat logs from each webinar. The only option I see to view the chat messages is for the host of each webinar to download them to their desktop and then give me access to that file. I'm hoping there's a way for me to get access to these chat messages without the host of each webinar needing to provide me with the files.
If it's possible to view chat messages from the Build Reports screen or have the chat messages file automatically sent to my email, that would be preferred. Thank you
Hi zlaskey, welcome to the community.
Chat logs can only accessed from the Organizer or Attendee's computer. While questions posted by attendees are included in the Attendee reports, chat messages are not.