Forum Discussion

phillman5's avatar
New Member
3 years ago

problems and suggestions

I just now created an account.  When I tried to log in it said username/password wrong.  I tried again, same thing.  So I clicked on 'forgot password'.  There I tried the same password, and it spelled out the password I was trying to use was not long enough.  Why doesn't it do that when you first create the account?


Earlier today I tried to attend a webinar by  I sent them the following.  They said I should submit a note.  I saw nowhere to do that at the link they gave:


I tried to e-mail a note, could not find an e-mail.


Below is the e-mail I sent to BarChart.  Some of the problems I think are on GoTo's plate.


2015 MacBook Pro, Majave version 10.14.6  

I registered for Webinar ID: 576-879-987
The below is from memory as I don't think I can not recreate situation to check each step per verbatim.
A little later than appointed time I tried to join the Webinar,  by clicking on 'join webinar' button in registration confirmation e-mail
It sent me to a webpage, at the top left was something about going to Webinar with a circle to its left that was spinning
The next line said if I wasn't taken to the Webinar I was to download  ''GoTo Webinar'
I did that, and installed.  Immediately something happened on the webpage, then my screen went dark.  No key or mouse movement brought the screen back, so I forced a shut down and rebooted.  After rebooting
there was a new top  window, it was about connecting to the webinar, I entered the information requested,  mainly webinar ID,  that did not work.
I went back to the e-mail confirmation about being registered, clicked on the join webinar button again
That took me to a webpage that either re-registered me or confirmed my registration (I don't remember)
Went back to the confirmation e-mail and clicked on this line:   Before joining, be sure to check system requirements to avoid any connection issues.
This I believe was a GoTo webpage.  It checked off three lines (OS, browser, connection speed), it inferred my system was OK.  INCLUDING my browser Safari
Tried again going back to confirmation e-mail and clicking 'join webinar' button, again unsuccessful, same thing as before
Went back to 'check system requirements' and then clicked on  'View system requirements'.  There you show only the last three versions of Chrome or Firefox can be used.
So I tried Chrome and was able to join webinar, but missed most of it.
1)  the  check system requirements   webpage should not green check your browser if its not OK.
2) you should mention about having to download  'GoTo Webinar' and having to use Chrome or Firefox much earlier in this process of joining the webinar.


I think between trying to join the webinar, and trying to contact you, I wasted about 3 hours today.  Grrrr.

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