Forum Discussion

Heidi_Janssen's avatar
Active Contributor
5 years ago

Why does video and screen share show to attendees before you've started the broadcast?

I find it strange that video and screen share show to the live audience before you start the broadcast. It'd be nice if this was hidden prior to starting it so that you could practice without an audi...
  • AshC's avatar
    5 years ago

    Sorry for any confusion there.  While in 'Practice Mode' your desktop sharing, webcams and audio feeds will not be visible to attendees  until you actually confirm the 'Start Broadcast' button. 


    ** This not only appears at the top of the GoToWebinar control panel, referencing the already live audio feeds for Staff, but also when you begin screen sharing:  The pop-out warning asks if you want to 'Start Broadcast' or just screen share.