Forum Discussion

satech's avatar
New Contributor
9 months ago

How to install Logme123 client silently and provide all permissions for remote support?

Here is the use case:


  • - We have servers that non-IT staff don't have login access
  • - An application is running on the server
  • - From time to time, we need vendor support to troubleshoot the application
  • - At this time, IT needs to sign into the server, use the code vendor support provided, install logmein123 client, and grant vendor support remote access
  • - This business runs 24x7, and IT cannot be readily available 24x7


So, the company IT needs a way to

  1. - Give non-IT staff access to install logmein123 on the server without logging into the server
  2. - During the installation process, automatically embed the 6 digit codes provided by vendor support and grant all permission
  3. (Optional) Kill the session after vendor support completes troubleshooting --- vendor support always does it. So, it's optional, not a requirement.

I have written a PowerShell GUI that runs psexec from a controlled environment that staff has access. I can use psexec to install logmein. But how to do #2 above (the 6 digital codes & permission)?



  • Hi satech


    I have run this past the team and unfortunately it is not feasible based on the Rescue architecture and workflow.



4 Replies

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    5 months ago

    Hi satech


    I have run this past the team and unfortunately it is not feasible based on the Rescue architecture and workflow.



  • satech's avatar
    New Contributor
    5 months ago

    Bump up.


    Is it possible?


    I want to deploy an Azure Automation job runbook at on-prem servers, such that end users can install logmein 123 without IT's involvement.


    The workflow will be:


    1. End user submit a Microsoft Form -- they need permission to access the form

    2. The form submission triggers Power Automate

    3. Power Automate triggers Azure Automation

    4. Azure Automation runs the installation job on an on-prem Azure Arc enabled server.

    5. Vendor technical gets access


    This way, IT doesn't need to manually  connect to the server and give vendor tech support.

  • satech's avatar
    New Contributor
    9 months ago

    No, don't want unattended access.


    Need to know if it's possible to install the installer silently with vendor support's access code passed through a GUI that I built for the client, and in the meantime grant full access that would require mouse click during normal process.

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    9 months ago

    Hi satech, welcome to the community.


    If you are comfortable with your vendor connecting when your IT team is unavailable, you might consider letting them set up Unattended Access.