Forum Discussion

barceneaux's avatar
Active Contributor
4 years ago

LogMeIn Display Issues - Mac OS 11.6 (Big Sur) & 12.2 (Monterey)

After searching endlessly for a fix to this issue, I have resorted to posting what I am experiencing.


I handle LogMeIn on (let's just call it) a lot of Mac computers for our organization.


I have repetitively run into an issue with Big Sur & Monterey when remoting into a client computer that looks like the following (logos/client's name have been removed):



When this happens, I cannot see anything on the client's computer, however, my mouse movements & clicks WILL register.


The only known fix is to physically visit the client's computer and un-check/re-check all security settings for LMIGUIAgent. This poses an issue as some of our client computers are sent worldwide after preparation.


I did see a post recommending trying a caffeinate command for Macs with the M1 chip - our Macs have Intel chips.

I did see a post recommending lowering BIOS security levels - we can't do this. We must have Full Security & a BIOS password set for every machine.


Sample Computer (experiencing issue) Specs:

  • Mac OS Monterey (12.2.1)
  • Mac Mini (2018)
  • Intel Core i5 3 GHz 6-Core Processor
  • 8GB RAM
  • Intel Graphics

My Computers Specs:

  • Mac OS Monterey (12.2.1)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020)
  • Intel Core i5 Quad-Core Processor
  • 16GB RAM
  • Intel Iris graphics

Any input on this issue would be appreciated because it has truly become an issue within our organization.

  • GaborO's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi barceneaux !

    Thanks for giving a hint (fast user switching) on how the issue usually reoccurs for you. With this help we managed to reproduce and identify the root cause of the issue.

    While there is a solution to remediate the problem, by unchecking & checking "Screen Recording" -> "LMIGUIAgent" in Security & Privacy settings, It is just a temporarily fix.

    The real fix requires some development and a new release. We will inform you when the fix is ready.


    A note just to make things clear: the "caffeinate -u -t 2" command was a temporary solution for the black screen issue when the display went to sleep due to energy saving settings. We launched a fix in our latest release ( for that problem.

10 Replies

  • barceneaux's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 years ago

    While LogMeIn works on the fix for this issue, I have found a workaround.


    The solution is to disable Fast User Switching entirely. While this may be an issue for some users that bounce from one account to another, this will [seemingly] fix the issue with LMI.


    To permanently disable FUS on a Mac machine, run these Terminal commands:

    1. sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences MultipleSessionEnabled -bool false
    2. defaults write .GlobalPreferences userMenuExtraStyle -int 0
    3. defaults -currentHost write UserSwitcher -int 8


    So far, every machine we have deployed this fix on has not had the issue again - even after multiple restarts and attempts to break LMI again.

  • barceneaux's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 years ago

    Thank you, Gabor. I appreciate the response. We are anxiously awaiting the fix.


    I'm sure if future renditions of MacOS cause issues with LMI, we will find them. We manage a ton of Mac machines [mostly] running the latest MacOS.


    In the future, is there a better way for me to report bugs similar to this one?

  • GaborO's avatar
    GoTo Contributor
    3 years ago

    Hi barceneaux !

    Thanks for giving a hint (fast user switching) on how the issue usually reoccurs for you. With this help we managed to reproduce and identify the root cause of the issue.

    While there is a solution to remediate the problem, by unchecking & checking "Screen Recording" -> "LMIGUIAgent" in Security & Privacy settings, It is just a temporarily fix.

    The real fix requires some development and a new release. We will inform you when the fix is ready.


    A note just to make things clear: the "caffeinate -u -t 2" command was a temporary solution for the black screen issue when the display went to sleep due to energy saving settings. We launched a fix in our latest release ( for that problem.

  • HakunaMatata's avatar
    New Member
    3 years ago

    Experiencing the exact same issue with our Macs on Monterey too... checking and unchecking those boxes worked previously but now it's proving to be more troublesome as it doesn't work unless I am on the admin account. LogMeIn seem to be hopelessly bad at rendering updates or fixes to anything and take way too long to implement them.. looking for another solution remote wise if this continues any longer because it's getting ridiculous.

  • barceneaux's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 years ago

    This has NOT been resolved.


    While both solutions:

    • unchecking & checking "Screen Recording" -> "LMIGUIAgent" in Security & Privacy settings
    • running caffeinate -u -t 2 

    Do work temporarily, quick switching between user profiles will cause this issue to happen again. It does not fail. This happens on EVERY Mac we have running Big Sur & Monterey.


    At this point, it is a bit ridiculous that we have not had a permanent fix. I even spent an afternoon on phone support with LogMeIn with no solution.


    What is going on? Is no one else experiencing this issue?

  • barceneaux's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 years ago

    The "caffeinate -u -t 2" command & a restart seems to have fixed the issue.


    To prevent this from happening, I believe the fix is to disable the "put hard disks to sleep when possible" setting in System Preferences -> Energy Saver and set "Turn display off after:" to "Never".


    I believe this setting [put hard disks to sleep when possible] was missing in earlier renditions of Big Sur/Monterey, but it is back now. This setting has ALWAYS given us issues.

  • barceneaux's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 years ago

    Our users are not permitted to administrator accounts.


    Would you happen to have any knowledge on why this may be occurring? Could it be a compatibility issue between LogMeIn and newer versions of MacOS?

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    3 years ago

    barceneaux  Yes, that is confusing.  As long as the local user has full admin permissions to manage the Accessibility settings, there should be no difference what network they're on.  


  • barceneaux's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 years ago

    Yes, this does fix the issue.

    I have no problem fixing the issue (when the computer isn't across the country). The problem is that the issue even happens at all. We need to prevent it from occurring.


    When I prep a machine and install LogMeIn on it in my office, the issue does not occur. Only when it is deployed does it happen.

    I have tried putting the machine on a different network during prep to rule out network issues - still can't get the issue to trigger in my office.