Call Dispositions - Streamlining Agent Dispositions and Automated Note Visibility
Create dispositions, from which the agent can select at the end of the call and also leave any necessary notes. Once a phone number is recognized, all notes should automatically be visible without any extra steps.530Views0likes3CommentsContact list should show Company Name instead of "Unnamed"
Whenever i have a contact in my GoTo contact list which has a Company Name, but no First Name or Last Name, it shows up in my contact list as "Unnamed". This is not helpful to the user in any scenario I can imagine, especially when there are a lot of such Companies in the list. This happens a lot. For example "Verizon Support"; I do not have a first name or a last name to supply here, because I have no idea who I'm going to get when I call that number. It is not useful to me for this entry to show up as "Unnamed"; it should show up as "Verizon Support". This is very easy to achieve programatically. I know because I'm a software developer myself. Also, you are already essentially doing this with the first name and last name. For example if there is an entry called Mary Jones, and both first name and last name are present, it displays under "M" as "Mary Jones", but if only the last name, Jones, is present, it shows up as Jones. Just do the same thing for Company name if niether first or last name is present. Better yet, include entries multiples times in the list to make them easier to find. This is what I do in my own applications. For example, if you have an entry of Mary Jones at American Family Insurance, display it three times as "Mary Jones - American Family Insurance", "Jones, Mary - American Family Insurance", and also "American Family Insurance - Mary Jones". Perhaps not everyone will want to see their list this way, but I think you will find that people like it. If you want this behavior to be optional, simply add a setting called "List contacts multiple times" or something like that. But at the very least, please do not list anything as "Unnamed" unless there is no first name, lastname OR company name; just display whatever name you have available. As a work-around, I have had to copy the Company Name into the First Name on all of my contacts, and remember to do this for each new contact I create, or whenever I change a contact. This works, but it's clunky and inconvenient.516Views1like3CommentsAuto-Answer Inbound Calls
This is pretty standard across other providers (RingCentral for instance). Currently, all inbound calls must be manually answered by the agent. First, this sometimes causes issues as the system won't let the agent answer the call, then it gets stuck or routed to another agent, which is not ideal. We need to balance calls as much as possible. Second, it would save a couple of seconds for the agent as the incoming call would be automatically answered.680Views1like2CommentsHistorical view of SMS messages
We need enable functionality to the MESSAGES button in the GOTO PC APP to provide a historical view of SMS messages. This button when currently pressed only provides the opportunity to craft a new message NOT see old messages/conversations as do all message apps today, its universal. If you press the VM button it takes you to the previous VM activity (makes sense) This is the same function the Messages button should display along with the option to create. 99% of the screen should show the message history and the 1% should simply have a + button that = create new message. As it stands now, you have to click the activity to view old SMS messages along with all the noise of incoming and outgoing calls.848Views2likes2CommentsInbound Caller ID
If we create a contact, it would be nice for the inbound caller ID to match the contact's name when displaying who calls on the phone and in the app. Example: Contact: John Doe Cell Phone Number: 999-555-1212 When John Doe calls me, it would be nice for the caller id to display John Doe instead of Wireless Caller.733Views2likes5CommentsSearch feature for text and chat messages
Many other apps with text/chat features allow you to search in old messages for keywords but there is no search feature on GoTo. It makes it really hard for us to find old messages from current clients. "Which client said they needed X? When is client Y coming in? When did client Z last reach out?" We were able to do searches when we used Google Voice. Please enable this feature asap!!!1.9KViews7likes15CommentsImprove Fax from Desktop app UI
the create fax in the desktop app needs to be streamlined, if you do not have it expanded to full screen it does not show all options if you do not have it full screen the upload files is out of sight and there is no scroll bar at the bottom to scroll over to see the rest of the page, either put a scroll bar at the bottom to left or right. maybe streamline the new fax page, there is a lot of wasted space there.15Views0likes1CommentCall history in app
I would like to see a list of all calls that come in and Ring to a ring group and if it was missed and went to voicemail of not. The current issue we see is that if a call comes in to the ring group the folks part of that ring group cannot tell what came in and what was or was not answered.12Views0likes0CommentsSuper Admins access user portals
In the old admin portal we could click at access a users portal. It would be GREAT if that could be brought back. Like, you go to a user profile and click a link to open their page with out the need to enter their password. From there we could make user changes that we can't from the admin portal and without trying to talk them through making the changes themselves.