Enlarge photos through text
It would be super helpful if we could enlarge photos once a picture is sent through the GoTo texting app. We receive student information this way, and we have no way to enlarge the photo without taking a screen shot. There is detailed information that needs to be recorded off these photos daily and that would make life easier.11Views0likes1CommentRingtone Changes (mute or lower volume)
Our office uses AirPods as headsets in conjunction with GoTo Connect on our phones. Even after adjusting the ringer on the phone, going through phone settings and GoTo settings, each time I get a GoTo call it blows my ear drums out. Has anyone experienced the same thing or found a solution to this? I called support and they told me that there is no way to change or turn off the ringtone at this time.Solved27Views0likes1CommentIdentify which number I'm texting from
We have a handful of phone numbers that we utilize in our office that clients call/text in to. From the desktop, it's impossible to see which number I'm starting a new conversation from. It's only once the convo is started, I can choose which number to message from. And I cannot see which number clients are texting into. What if I respond from the wrong number?1.1KViews0likes5CommentsIs there a way to escalate Support Requests?
Our organization has opened multiple tickets related to team members getting kicked out of the queue without signing out and having massive call quality issues. We have completed the same recommendations multiple times and are continuing to have these issues. Is there a way we can get someone to actually work through troubleshooting with us or possibly get our existing tickets escalated to a team that can help?859Views0likes1Comment