Forum Discussion

markf15750's avatar
New Contributor
12 months ago

Blocked invite emails .... What if there was a button?

When adding users, the GoTo sends an invite.  Out of 172 people added to the system, only a few didn't receive the invite email.   After a little troubleshooting on the user end, I asked the IT department to check and see why an employee didn't receive an email. Their response was the email server didn't see the email come in.  I called GoTo customer support (I had to do this a few times), and each time they were able to fix the problem by releasing the email address from being blocked.  I think the guy said it happened because out email server bounced the email back and once that happens, the GoTo system stops sending to that address.

Anyway,  I asked if they could see if any other users were blocked and the response was, sorry they would have it check it one user at a time.

It would be nice it there was a button next to the invite button that would unblock the email.  If this is added, it would eliminate my time involved in contacting customer support and customer supports time to do this.   I'm thinking other users must be having this issue also.            Thanks

3 Replies

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    12 months ago

    Hi markf15750


    Thanks for the clarification. We do have a blocklist and there are two ways for a user's email address to end up on it:


    1. The user contacts us directly and asks that we block all email from our services to them
    2. Multiple emails that we send to the user are rejected/undeliverable


  • markf15750's avatar
    New Contributor
    12 months ago
    I think my suggestion was miss understood. It may be helpful to look at the trouble tickets. …. We didn’t do anything on our end for the emails to start coming through again.
  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    12 months ago

    Hi markf15750 Welcome to the GoTo Community. 


    I understand that this is a frustrating situation. One thing to note is that many times when emails are blocked it's because the recipient may have marked it as spam in the past (either accidentally or intentionally) so implementing a feature to automatically unblock addresses could potentially open the door to increased spam or misuse, so unfortunately I don't think that's something that would be made available. 


    Some suggestions I would recommend to your recipients is to take proactive measures to ensure they receive important emails. This can include checking spam or junk folders regularly, whitelisting trusted sender addresses, and contacting their IT department to troubleshoot any email filtering issues on their end.


    I do hope this helps and thanks again for stopping by and sharing your experience and suggestion.