Forum Discussion
5 Replies
- AshC4 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
Hansen_S Were you able to test an alternate web browser or clear the local cache before testing the login again?
- Hansen_S4 years agoNew Contributor
When Prompted to Verify - What can I do if the security image isn't showing up? 8 can't create or access their account because the CAPTCHA security image characters shown in the image above", but you didn't see an there's no image.
- AshC4 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
Havbrew I apologize for the difficulty there. If you're not seeing the CAPTCHA request, have you tested any alternate web browsers or computer stations?
This issue may have several possible causes, and we will likely need to confirm your identity through Customer Support in order to troubleshoot the account itself.
- Havbrew4 years agoNew Member
OK, so instead of posting the answer here, in the forum for the rest of the world to resolve, you tell us to call support?! Who's bring idea is it to have a forum, if all you going to do is answer with "call support"?
Please post the actual cause of the problem and how we, as administrators can fix it!
- AshC6 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
cxhgtxy Our support department should be able to assist you if you're stuck on the identity confirmation security web page and cannot proceed. Have you tried calling in to create a support case?