Forum Discussion

Mick_Dundee's avatar
New Member
4 days ago

Once a contact has been created I lose my modify caller ID feature in dial plan

Each user in my company has multiple extensions and inbound groups so I have my dial plan set up to a small couple digit code in front of the caller id via the modify caller ID node so the user knows where the call is coming from (i.e. group inbound, direct extension, etc.) However once we create a shared contact for clients, we lose that modify caller ID code at the front of it and the user has no idea where the call is coming from and what extension etc. was used.

In the meantime we have stopped creating shared contacts for clients as the modify caller ID code is more important of the two but not by much and having to choose between the two seems crazy to me.  Is there any way to still get this modify caller ID node to work on contacts??

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