Forum Discussion

Fran_Simon's avatar
Valued Contributor
4 years ago

Webcast Attendees' screens going dark after next presenter

We need some ideas here. We are experiencing two problems regularly with a lot (but not all) of our attendees. Our sessions are really big-- usually between 1,800-3,000 people.


  1. There are two times during our webinars when we have transitions from one panelist (me, the organizer) to another panelist who only has panelist access, and then back from the panelist to me. On the second pass back to me near the end of the webinar, we get lots of attendees complaining that their screens have gone dark. They can no longer see the slides, only a black screen.
  2. Attendees are losing the slide viewer after transitions after polls and after videos. We know they need to click on the flower in their taskbars to connect back to GTW, but it is a real problem in such big webinars.


Anyone have ideas? 


  • This issue should now be resolved in webcast webinars.  Please let us know if you see it recur again. 

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Leigh Strinsky  I'm sorry for the delays.  We are still testing the fix for this and I will try to get an updates on the external delivery. 

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      This issue should now be resolved in webcast webinars.  Please let us know if you see it recur again. 

      • geoffwebinar's avatar
        New Contributor

        AshC  We hosted a webcast last night with 1,200+ attendees. While the experience was better than earlier in the year, there were still a lot of attendees who were getting the frozen screen, no audio, no video. Also, while many were presented with the survey afterwards, many were not. Please let me know how I can help diagnose the continued problems with webcasts.

  • We switched to all Webcasts this year since we routinely hit the 1,000 attendee limit. Have hosted 2 live webcasts now. A large percentage of viewers say they cannot see the panelist's screen unless they manually refresh their browser (F5). When we switch to the presenter's screen all is good. When we switch back to the panelist's screen, this same percentage only see the "waiting to view _____'s screen". If they manually refresh their browser it works.  But then they lose the entire chat log. Viewers' browsers being used who are affected by the bug include Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge. Why is this happening and what is the resolution?

    • euridice's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Hello, this solution has worked for us as well. We tried this way because of local authority's IT restrictions which prohibit software downloads. The attendees of our last webinar could take part, but every time when a new screen had been shared, the user had to refresh the browser to be able to see the shared slides and therefore had to login in again.

      Is it possible to avoid the necessity to refresh the browser when the attendee takes part via Instant Join app?

      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        euridice  This is a known issue we are currently addressing with the GoToWebinar web app.  I expect a full resolution within the next few weeks. 


        Thanks for your patience.

    • geoffwebinar's avatar
      New Contributor

      LogMeIn support has confirmed that this is a bug that has been present for many months. My solution is to recreate all 120 webinars in Standard mode. Support is then assisting me with copying all registrants from the webcast mode to the standard mode of the same webinar. Lots of work, and I'm back to the 1,000 viewer limit.

      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

          I'm sorry to hear about that, and will investigate the cause further with our team. 

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Hi Fran,

    You mentioned that Attendees are clicking the GoTo icon in their task bar, so I'm guessing these are standard webinars, and not webcast webinars? 

    What are the exact steps staff are using, from launching videos / polls to transferring the presenter role over to you again?

    • Fran_Simon's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      No, these are webcasts. Obviously, I assumed they could click on the flower and forgot webcast participants don't have that that functionality. 


      So, it continues. Yesterday we had  25 people complain that they still saw the "waiting for the present" screen long after I took the controls AND reported that their screens went black after I took over as the presenter. Today I had as many complaints. 


      What is going on?  No one has ever complained about this before? This is a new issue? 


      Can someone at GTW/LGM look at the log files and/or the data about the participants to  see if there is some kind of common thread amongst the people who report the problems (usually in the questions pane, and sometime by email after the session?)  I can't go on like this.


      We only produce webcasts. Is there some way

      • Fran_Simon's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        AshC  Any more information about this issue?  It is getting worse. So many compliants.