Forum Discussion

0000000000's avatar
New Contributor
7 months ago

Unable to record video in MRLE format

We want to record sessions with LogMeIn. Sometimes we want to share recorded videos with customers. Some customers have security restrictions preventing them from running AVICodec.msi (also, as far as built in apps, the codec only works for Windows Media Player Legacy not the new Windows Movies & TV/Photos/Media Player apps). Not all customers use Windows and it's just plain bad customer service to require the customer to install something just to play a video.

We are fine recording using Microsoft RLE (MRLE) (even though it has significantly reduced quality and, as far as built in apps, only works with Windows Media Player Legacy). But I have encountered the following issue:
1. Set AVI -> Microsoft RLE (MRLE) for a group in the Administration Center and save the change.
2. Make sure to log out of LogMeIn Technician Console to make sure the changes have applied.
3. Start a new session, install applet, connect to it, etc...
4. Click Screen Recording.
5. The output file is still in RASC format. I know this because a machine that doesn't have the codec installed can't play it in Windows Media Player Legacy. I also run ffprobe on the file and it shows that the file has rasc encoding but if I run it on a file that has been converted to MRLE from RCREC with LogMeIn Rescue AVI Converter (installed via AVIConvert.msi) it will run in Windows Media Player Legacy and ffprobe doesn't show RASC encoding.

I am able to configure a group to record in RCREC format and convert to MRLE with the LogMeIn Rescue AVI converter, but I would like to avoid requiring our technicians to do this process for every file.

The AVI converter seems to crash, produce unreadable file, or produce a very distorted video if using a video in RASC format as input and converting to MRLE.

I know ffmpeg is able to transcode RASC to other formats, but I'm not sure if we need permission from LogMeIn or some other party to legally be able to do that. Either way I can't install ffmpeg on our workstations or create a server to submit ffmpeg jobs to.

It would be very nice if setting to record with MRLE format actually worked.

4 Replies

  • jozsef_sarosi's avatar
    GoTo Contributor
    7 months ago

    However the old screen recording format options are visible in Admin Center, the TC7.50 ignores them and records in MKV. You have to have " Disallow media stream in Rescue sessions for technicians"  unchecked.

    If media stream is completely  "Disallowed" (checked) TC forgets MKV, and turns bac to the old formats, and recording modes. You do not have to select MKV anywhere in AC. Just start a recording.

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    7 months ago

    0000000000   My understanding is it should do so automatically if the following is true:

    • Global Settings > New Media Solution (very bottom) is enabled
    • Tech Group > Organization > Disallow media stream... (very bottom) is not enabled


  • 0000000000's avatar
    New Contributor
    7 months ago

    jozsef_sarosiI am using version TC version 7.50.3580. Where do I set to record in MKV / VP8 format especially in the Admin center? I didn't see this option anywhere.

  • Since Microsoft provides the  MRLE codec only for x86 processes, the x64 Technician Console(TC) cannot find an x64 MRLE codec for the recording. For performance reasons the TC simple falls back to RASC codec.
    As mentioned RASC codec has some back draws, e.g. has to be installed on the machine where the recording is played.
    The good news is that the TC-s from version 7.50 are capable record the screen in MKV / VP8 format. This version keeps the legacy screen transfer, and also offers a media stream mode that is better image quality.  As a default format the TC records only MKV files for both screen transfer mode. The recordings are not limited by the Windows Direct Show, and the Windows specific codecs. MKV / VP8 can be played on almost all player without pre-installation. 
    I recommend to change to  the latest available TC, and record to MKV.