Forum Discussion

randallcorn's avatar
Active Contributor
6 years ago

AutoCad authentication conflict with Logmein

On the current release of AutoCad and the past several releases there has been an issue while trying to authenticate AutoCad subscription.  You get an error:  

Error: "The License manager is not functioning or is improperly installed" on systems with LogMeIn installed


AutoDesk has found this to be an issue between itself and Logmein.  The patch is to disable Logmein, license Autocad, then reenable Logmein.  While this works it is a pain.  If you want to license Autocad while remote you cannot.  Because, of course, you have disabled Logmein.  

See more about it from AutoDesk here:

  • etb's avatar
    5 years ago

    I have not really tested this, but it is probably worth a shot for you to try.  Anecdotally, I feel like if we sign in to the Autodesk Desktop Application, it seems like it might be a workaround for this issue.


    In other words:

    1. Install AutoCAD (or whatever Autodesk software you need).  Don't worry about activating yet.
    2. Install the Autodesk Desktop App and sign in to that using the Autodesk account that has your AutoCAD license assigned to it.
    3. Then go back and open AutoCAD and see if it is activated and/or gets around the issue discussed in this thread.

    If it works, post back and let us know.  But I definitely still think that LMI and Autodesk should fix the underlying issue.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Hey Randall,

    I have asked around but we don't have any idea what AutoCAD needs to finish its registration, so therefore it's hard to say where the conflict is exactly...

    • randallcorn's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Hmm, well Autodesk has it documented on their site of the issue and how to work around it.

      Maybe contact AutoDesk and the two of you work on this?  I put the issue completely on AutoDesk myself.  I am asking them the same questions.




    • randallcorn's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Have you guys contacted AutoDesk in this matter or are you going to contact them or is this just a dead subject?

      • etb's avatar

        I also have to deal with this, and naturally I would really rather not.  I just had to travel to the office today so that I could activate Revit licenses on several computers.  Remote access is not much good for our users if they would be prevented from activating software that is critical to their job function.

    • randallcorn's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Is there any update to this issue?


      Have you reached out to AutoDesk?


      Now that we are forced to working at home I cannot go to everyones house to activate their AutoCad.  You saw the work around.  Stop Logmein services, activate Autocad and the start Logmein services.


      Really a huge issue now.


      Please help.  I would be available to for testing or to work with you in any way.



  • bmcr's avatar
    New Contributor

    When starting an Autodesk 2020 product on Windows, after several seconds a message such as the following appears and the program must close:  Product License - Out of Time  License checkout timed out.

    The Autodesk support link below indicates  the LogMeIn display adapter and possibly other services cause conflict with their licensing service.

    I found an older post about this problem but there was no resolution posted.  Anyone else running into this problem?  (Yes, I know AutoCAD shouldn't be run remotely but right now that's all we have...)


  • randallcorn's avatar
    Active Contributor

    So AutoDesk says it is not their problem but at least have it documented on their web site on how to get around it.  Just have to travel from Georgia to Alaska to do the onsite authentication.


    Logmein says not their problem.


    Wish both of you would get together on this to resolve.  We pay a lot of money for Logmein Centreal.


    So in the meantime ignore me please on this and take my money.

    • etb's avatar

      I have not really tested this, but it is probably worth a shot for you to try.  Anecdotally, I feel like if we sign in to the Autodesk Desktop Application, it seems like it might be a workaround for this issue.


      In other words:

      1. Install AutoCAD (or whatever Autodesk software you need).  Don't worry about activating yet.
      2. Install the Autodesk Desktop App and sign in to that using the Autodesk account that has your AutoCAD license assigned to it.
      3. Then go back and open AutoCAD and see if it is activated and/or gets around the issue discussed in this thread.

      If it works, post back and let us know.  But I definitely still think that LMI and Autodesk should fix the underlying issue.

      • randallcorn's avatar
        Active Contributor



        Just tried this and it seemed to work.

        Sorry I am just not getting to this to try.


        Thanks for the tip

        Logmein, any updates from you side with this?



