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Frequent Contributor

Contact Center - Agent Overview

Hello! Since last Thursday the Agent overview card isn't reflecting the calls waiting accurately. This is occurring for 1 queue we have,  for all users. Is there anything we can do  to "refresh" the queue? 


This ss was taken when only 13 callers were actually in the queue


Its like its getting stuck, yet the longest call timer keeps going even if that call is no longer in the queue. Dealing with support on this will be a nightmare since I don't uses this queue myself and none of our users have time to sit with support for an hour to take screenshots. I'm really hoping that others have noticed this and there is something we can do to fix it?


TY for taking a look!

Frequent Contributor

Re: Contact Center - Agent Overview

It seems that the "calls waiting"  isn't  taking into account the agents on the call. Possible that its not subtracting calls that have connected to the agent?

Frequent Contributor

Re: Contact Center - Agent Overview

Looking at this further.. the longest wait time just  keep counting never resetting once that call has cleared. here is a pic that really shows the discrepancy.




GoTo Moderator

Re: Contact Center - Agent Overview

@mkeaton thanks for report and all the screenshots. The team has received similar reports and is currently investigating. We appreciate all your input here and will keep you updated. 

Kate is a member of the GoTo Community Care Team.

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Frequent Contributor

Re: Contact Center - Agent Overview

Yes! @KateG  Thank you for letting me know!! Posting here has saved me soooo many hours on the phone with support so I really appreciate you guys being active on here!


Have a wonderful day 😃