Forum Discussion

Golnaz's avatar
New Member
10 years ago

the number of attendees by Phone

How can I find out how many attendees were in webinar by Phone?
  • Hi,

    Only webinar attendees that join using our software are captured for our attendee report.  If an attendee only dials into the audio of a webinar they will not be listed in any reporting. 


    While we keep phone records for 24 hours after an event for troubleshooting purposes, there isn't a way to automatically associate a phone number with a registrant. 

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    I'm afraid we do not offer phone reports for any of the GoTo services at this time, as the audio data can be complex and/or inaccurate at times.  I'm sorry if this inconveniences you in any way.

    • rickcat7's avatar
      New Member

      This should be a high-priority feature add. Many of our members are on the road a lot and cannot get to a computer or use the mobile app (assuming mobile app users are logged?). Adding this feature allows us to accurately know who's participating and increases the options are members have to attend.

  • This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Report of Phone Attendees.

    Is there a way to track participants who dialed in for the webinar conference? We are attempting to download a report that indicates all participants who called in, their phone number, and perhaps how long they remained on the phone call. Is this possible? Thanks!
  • Is there a way to track and count unidentified callers (people who only call in because security prevents them from accessing the site) in GoToWebinar?
    • Heather Matthew's avatar
      Heather Matthew
      New Member
      This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Call-in attendee not showing up.

      An attendee who has called in to the webinar (not logged in via the link ... she's driving) is not showing up on attendee list. Therefor, she can't be muted/unmuted and participate in the discussion. 
    • GlennD's avatar
      GoTo Manager

      Hi Kelly,

      I'm sorry no, not at this time. We do not capture or report on the phone numbers used by webinar attendees. Have you had many attendees report that they are unable to access our website due to security settings at their work?

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      Hi Kyle,
      I apologize, at this time GoToWebinar Organizers do not have a 'phone-only' or 'dial-in' report available.  If a user does not connect during the live webinar, then they will appear as absent on the live webinar report.

    • Kyle Root's avatar
      Kyle Root
      New Member
      Thanks Glenn!

      Do I have the ability to show that they were on the call at all it's for CE credit and I need to prove someone was on the call?
      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        @HBrunddage The only way to make certain that there are no 'hidden' phone callers currently is to disable the phone dial in option when scheduling a regular webinar, or to utilize the Webcast scheduling version (which currently is VoIP only).


    • GlennD's avatar
      GoTo Manager

      Hi Kyle,

      They may have registered for the webinar but only dialed into the audio portion of it and never connected from their computer. The attendee report only shows attendees that join the webinar from their computer or smartphone.

      • HBrundage's avatar
        Active Contributor

        Is there a way to prevent these "silent listeners" from lurking in the background?

  • This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Tracking phone callers.

    one of the participantes in a meeting was using his Mobile phone,  but he didn't appear in the meeting report afterwards
  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor


    Only webinar attendees that join using our software are captured for our attendee report.  If an attendee only dials into the audio of a webinar they will not be listed in any reporting. 


    While we keep phone records for 24 hours after an event for troubleshooting purposes, there isn't a way to automatically associate a phone number with a registrant. 

    • FrankieOliver's avatar
      New Member

      When i check the joing stats after a webinar, i am finding that those users who logged in by telephone are not shown.   How do i fix that?


  • Hi - my company uses the attendance reports to give credit to those who log in to our webinars.  The problem that we are having is that people who dial-in via their phones without loading the app are not shown on the reports thus they do not receive credit.

    Is there a way to identify people who dial-in to confirm that they did attend the webinar?
    • GlennD's avatar
      GoTo Manager

      Hi Heather, sorry for the frustration.

      With GoToWebinar only Panelists and Organizers are able to dial in unmuted, so this particular attendee must have been invited as one of those roles. Unfortunately, if a someone in either of these roles dials in and does not enter their individual PIN, it will not be possible to mute them via our software.


    • Adrian Iglesias's avatar
      Adrian Iglesias

      Hi Sequoia,

      Please take a look at this support article about managing unidentified callers.  This currently only applies to GoToMeeting and unfortunately not GoToWebinar.

      Essentially, if a person only dials in, the system does not know who they are either as there is no connection to an endpoint software where a name would have been entered.  In GoToMeeting, you can see unidentified callers and rename them if you find out who they are, but that functionality is not in GoToWebinar at this time.  The best practice would be to encourage attendees to join from either a computer or one of the mobile apps so that they are able to input their information.


  • WebEx has a feature that I would like to see included in GotoWebinar. To be clear, I like GotoWebinar much better than WebEx but want a feature added. WebEx allows attendees to call in only on their phones- no need to also log into the web and join the visual portion. I used this a lot for large conference calls where I needed to selectively mute/unmute people, and to also see how many people are called in. I could then also run reports and see what phone numbers were used to call into the webinar. Thanks so much for listening to my idea and I would be happy to test in labs.