I'm having the same problem. Windows 10 Pro. Dell 5491 Core i7 16GB Ram, SSD.
@John Federico Sorry about that. What have you done to troubleshoot so far? Have you tested the same PC from a different network? Are you wireless currently?
I have exactly the same problem. I use a Dell Precision 5520 with 32GB RAM and Win10 1803. All VMs running in Hyper-V get extremely slow. It is quite embarrasing to do my Demos this way. If GTM is not active everything works fine.
Was there ever a resolution to the "slow system" problem when using GTMeeting? I've had our company Tech support people in my laptop for a couple hours looking for a cause. All seems to be working fine. Task Mgr shows that the screen is using more than normal resources, but that just means its something that GTM is doing, cuz it doesnt do that in any other circumstance. We have eliminated every other possible cause. So, clearly something in GTM programming is slowing down the system. Any solution? Or are we just out of luck and need to go to another platform? Doesnt happen when using MS Teams or similar. Thank you.
Hi @PeterFree, welcome to the community.
A few questions:
We have the same problems with older XPS13 laptops from Dell.
Now we bought a new one (XPS13 9315) with 16GB main memory and again have huge problems
when running the new Goto app.
Windows and all drivers are up to date.
If we don't solve this problem we have to move to another meeting platform as all our sales people
need stable online meeting apps.
So is there any solution for this?
As all works with other tools like (Teams/Zoom) this can only be a problem of GotoMeeting.
Kind regards,
Thomas Gebert
Alysium-Tech Gmbh
IT Admin
as far as we can tell at our shop this is a common issue with the new GTM app. If you are are not running the new upgraded GTM app your mileage may vary. But in our testing our HP Elitebooks running 16mg of ram and Intel i5s bog down terribly with the new GTM app. Still some beta work to clean up there I think.
My company has used Go To Meeting since it was created and I can tell you that this all happened when the new GTM app (dark mode) came out - nothing about my pc/internet connection has change, except that my I/O speed has INCREASED from my ISP and I experience the same problems - 10 to 15 minutes into the meeting everything slows down to a chug - worse than the old dial up days. After 30 minutes the meeting is unusable and I have to stop and restart the meeting every 10 minutes after that - like the others said, no issue with Teams, Webex or even the old dog Zoom. It is so bad, my company wants to go elsewhere - please fix - I have always LOVED GTM. Get rid of the dark mode and maybe it will help - I don't mind it, but that seems to be when all the problems started for me......
Hi @Michele8 welcome to the Community and thanks for your feedback. It sounds like you are using the new GoTo app. Have you tried enabling efficiency mode? You can find it in your Settings, on the bottom of the menu.
Additionally, When this happens again, it will help if you could report this issue when it happens, by following the steps outlined here. This will help our developers review issues affecting performance as it captures system information while the issue is happening.