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Rescue Discussions Learn and connect with other knowledgeable community members about Rescue. Ask a question or, if someone’s already asked, search for the best answer.Latest Activity: 17 days ago299 Posts1147 unread
Rescue News Follow for the latest Feature Announcements and News.Latest Activity: 3 months ago65 Posts91 unread
Recent ContentAlerts Securty EndpointsTechnician Console: "Start Console communication error. Error code (7), Last error (0)."Rescue Script Repository Thread- Share your scriptsCopy and Paste on Lock Screen PasswordSolvedCheck unauthorized AccessUnattended Access for Linux is on Beta!How to install Logme123 client silently and provide all permissions for remote support?SolvedWEBINAR - September Release Roundup: What's New with Rescue!Unable to record video in MRLE formatHow to execute PS1 files as Rescue Scripts (template)
Recent BlogsUnattended Access for Linux is on Beta!1 MIN READ Access Linux devices without the end-user having to be present! Customers can begin testing Linux Unattended on Ubuntu devices using the X11 display server following the instructions below: Lo...WEBINAR - September Release Roundup: What's New with Rescue!1 MIN READ We’re thrilled to invite you to our upcoming webinar, where we’ll unveil the latest advancements in LogMeIn Rescue. New and Improved Unattended Device Management Interface3 MIN READ The Rescue team is thrilled to announce the availability of the new and improved Unattended Device Management interface - designed to enhance the experience for Admins managing Unattended Access devi...