Forum Discussion

Gianni Rossi's avatar
Gianni Rossi
Active Contributor
4 years ago

Recording cut after the first 2 minutes

On Thursday 21 January 2021, we held a webinar lasting about an hour, from 17:00 to 18:00 CET. We recorded it, however in the video library we find a recording of just 2 minutes. What may have happened? Locally we find the same video of just 2 minutes. Throughout the webinar, "Registering" was displayed.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Hi Gianni,

    If you ended up with a 2 minute recording then something may have gone wrong during the broadcast itself.  Did you have any Co-Organizers recording from their PCs elsewhere?


    What happens when you attempt to record a test webinar using the same audio and video connections?

    • Gianni Rossi's avatar
      Gianni Rossi
      Active Contributor

      Hi AshC,

      yes, we were 2 organizers and we both recorded, so is this the problem? Only one has to record?

      • Chris Droessler's avatar
        Chris Droessler
        Respected Contributor

        I think that AshC is thinking that maybe one of the co-organizers accidentally hit the button to stop the recording.