Our company has been with LogMeIn for around 7+ years and their support has been nonexsistent since pretty muchd day 1 for us as well. Every time we call, email, or write complaints on their forum; either our complaints will go unanswered, the LogMeIn support tech will deflect and say nothing is wrong with anything related to LogMeIn , or they will supposedly gather all of the info we gave them, say they will troubleshoot said issue on their end, will give us a case # and they will contact us in X amount of days. BUT naturally, we never hear back from LogMeIn again.
At this point we have actually stopped calling & emailing LogMeIn whenever we need support since it was a huge waste of our time. LogMeIn even gave us a direct # to an employee that was supposed to be our go-to support
person. Every time we call that person either they wont answer or someone screens their call and says this is no longer his/her number. Luckily, we have been able to troubleshoot our own issues with trial & error.
With the severe lack in any form of support, massive & unreasonable price increases and their software not functioning as well as it used to; we are moving on as well.
If LogMeIn would pretend to care about their customers just once and take a look at their forums alone, they would realize their support is severly lacking at all levels. Most help is from other users. The rare time a LogMeIn employee answers, it will be to place blame elsewhere and they will not respond again.