Forum Discussion

Cadcorp's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

What is the difference between "Active attendees" and "Listen-only attendees"?

In the new GoTo Webinar app, some attendees are  "Active attendees" and "Listen-only attendees". We set it that all would be listen-only. Is there a difference? Should we be concerned about them having extra permissions we don't want them to have?

Also, some seem to have their mic on but we can't hear them (which is fine). Selecting 'Disable mic' does nothing.


7 Replies

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Cadcorp thank you! Our team is currently reviewing. I will let you know when I hear further.  I appreciate your sharing your experience with the Beta version. It's appreciated. 

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Cadcorp Thanks for verifying the settings are correct. Is this happening with every webinar? Are all attendees 'Active Attendees? ' Could you share the web ID(s) when this happened so we can take a closer look? If you click on my username and PM me a message I will follow up with the team. Thanks! 

  • Cadcorp's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    Yes, we'd already done that. And when we checked during the webinar, it was still turned off.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Cadcorp can you check your settings and see if you have Allow Mic turned off under Attendee Permissions? 


  • Cadcorp's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    As Organizer, we didn't give any of the attendees permission to use their camera or microphone though. They should have all joined as 'Listen-only'.


    Clicking 'Disable mic' icon did nothing.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Hi Cadcorp welcome to the GoTo Community. Listen-only members do not have the ability to use their camera and/or microphone. An Active Attendee has been given permission by the organizer to use their camera or microphone, the corresponding icon (camera, microphone) under Active Attendee shows you which permissions they have.  

    If they are Active Attendees but you don't hear them and you see the option 'Ask to Unmute' they have their microphone muted. If you click on "Disable Mic" the Microphone icon should go away.