Forum Discussion

Golnaz's avatar
New Member
10 years ago

the number of attendees by Phone

How can I find out how many attendees were in webinar by Phone?
  • Hi,

    Only webinar attendees that join using our software are captured for our attendee report.  If an attendee only dials into the audio of a webinar they will not be listed in any reporting. 


    While we keep phone records for 24 hours after an event for troubleshooting purposes, there isn't a way to automatically associate a phone number with a registrant. 

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    I'm afraid we do not offer phone reports for any of the GoTo services at this time, as the audio data can be complex and/or inaccurate at times.  I'm sorry if this inconveniences you in any way.

    • rickcat7's avatar
      New Member

      This should be a high-priority feature add. Many of our members are on the road a lot and cannot get to a computer or use the mobile app (assuming mobile app users are logged?). Adding this feature allows us to accurately know who's participating and increases the options are members have to attend.

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager


    Phone only attendees are not tracked at this time and will not appear in the attendee report.


  • So I am testing the trial version of gotowebinar and I have held up a couple of mock conferences. Everything is good so far but I am experiencing an issue. I set up a mock conference and then join in from my phone as an attendee but it does not show in the software and it does not show in the reports as well. Ho can I fix this? I need to finalize this today to make purchase of GoToWebinar today. PLease helpout
    • Chris Droessler's avatar
      Chris Droessler
      Respected Contributor
      People who join a webinar by phone (audio only) will not show up in the attendee list nor the attendance report.

      If you joined by smart phone and saw both the visual part of the webinar as well as the audio, then you will show up in the attendee report.
      • WADNR's avatar
        New Contributor

        I had two attendees, one logged in with a tablet, was able to see the webinar and was active with audio.  In the Attendance report, they showed as Not attending.  Any ideas what causes this result?

    • GlennD's avatar
      GoTo Manager

      Hi Umar,

      When you connected from your phone did you just dial into the conference call or join using one of our mobile apps? Webinar attendees need to connect via our software in order to appear in the attendee report, if they only dial into the conference call they will not show up.

    • Umar Mansoor's avatar
      Umar Mansoor
      New Member
      just dialed into the conference did not use the mobile app
  • sueb1's avatar
    New Contributor

    I have read other answers to questions about the fact that people who dial in by phone are not counted as attendees. Are there any plans in future to include these participants as we really need to know this information?

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      sueb1  Although Phone-only Attendees of GoToWebinar are not currently captured in any report, we may update the audio functionality in the future so that you may 'see' who is on phone only through your Organizer Control Panel.  When / if this is functionality released, we will update the community threads where possible.

      • sueb1's avatar
        New Contributor

        That would be great - many thanks.

  • PLFSam's avatar
    New Contributor

    We just completed our first webinar with GoToWebinar.  We were able to download the "Attendee Report" and obtained who joined via the URL, however that report does not contain the attendees who dialed in ONLY.  Where can we get that report?

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      PLFSam  I'm sorry, this data is not collected by GoToWebinar for consumption.  We'll update the thread if it should change though.

      • PLFSam's avatar
        New Contributor

        Thanks AshC, do you work for LogMeIn? When we first signed up for the demo, someone told us that call logs were retained. That's one of the main reasons why we switched from Adobe Connect to GoToWebinar.

    • Chris Droessler's avatar
      Chris Droessler
      Respected Contributor



      What do you hope to see in the Attendee Report for folks who connect only by phone?  Do you expect to see only the phone number as their attendee name?  On modern phone systems it should be possible for someone to text their name.


      Even if they cannot list the phone number in the Attendee Report, it would be nice to just list them as "unknown," so we can get a good head count.


      Sorry there was a misunderstanding when you first signed up.  When someone connects via computer but uses the telephone for audio, those connections are documented.  Being that GoToWebinar is a visual sharing platform, I doubt they thought there would be enough telephone-only attendees to warrant reporting them.


      To answer your other question, AshC does work for LogMeIn. I  however, do not, but have become a big fan.


  • I just called gotowebinar and confirmed that when using it, callers not entering a pin will not be listed in attendee list. That functionality exists in gotomeeting, but that is limited to 26 participants. If you want more than 26, you have to use gotowebinar. So the only way to effectively manage attendees is by limiting it to computer only, no telephone audio.

    This is inconsistent with thier whitepaper on security.

    on page 3

    • The ability to see the complete list of attendees and their
    current roles and privileges, so the organizer always remains
    aware of those present


    • Chris Droessler's avatar
      Chris Droessler
      Respected Contributor

      How do you suggest that a caller, not not using a PIN, enter ther name in their phone to show up on the Attendee list?

      • Martin7's avatar
        New Member

        in gotomeeting a caller with no audio pin shows up as CALLER 01, which you can rename. In gotomeeting, you don't have that option. They have added it to thier list of possible development for the future.

    • mitmy's avatar
      Active Contributor



      would it be possible to include callers who have not used audio pins in the attendee list like gotomeeting does, caller 1, caller 2 etc.


      and them being able to dial *something to raise their hand too wouls be nice....


      • Chris Droessler's avatar
        Chris Droessler
        Respected Contributor

        I too wish the phone-only callers could show up in the list, so we know somone is there.

    • mschauber's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Unlike in gotomeeting, when users call in on the telephone in gotowebinar, they are not shown in the attendee list.  Therefore there is no way to mute/unmute their mic.  How do I correct this problem?


      Thank you.

      • Chris Droessler's avatar
        Chris Droessler
        Respected Contributor

        Get them to connect to the webinar through a web browser first, then select telephone for their audio choice.

  • badtziscool's avatar
    New Contributor



    Is there any way to identify a caller who dials in as an attendee in GoToWebinar?  I see that there is a setting to do so for GoToMeeting, but it does not seem to apply to GoToWebinar.  I need to confirm if this is the correct behavior.







      • badtziscool's avatar
        New Contributor
        Thanks. This was confirmed with a support call as well.